Harry's diary

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Shortly after my birthday the Hingleys came to stay. Oliver, who is now 19 months old, was great company so I let him share my toys and bath.

Dad - you can bin this photo when I'm older!

Even the local policeman showed up. I am sure mummy and daddy had been behaving themselves.

Keep my face away from the camera please!

We were served dinner by the mums whilst the dad drank beer and talked about the good old days.

June 2nd 2007 - My 1st Birthday

I had a lovely 1st birthday with my Grand-parents, Aunties and Uncles.
Not only was I very spolit by everyone on my birthday, Auntie Laura bought me a present which I will wear with pride until I need another one!


Harry the Hedgehog - am I supposed to share this?

Now that was a social event not to be missed

Down at the farm

Recently my parents have discovered a local farm, 'urban style'. I have now come across some new animals, face-to-face, who seemed fairly harmless.

Nice teeth

Showing my age

As my 1st birthday was fast approaching, daddy decided to start to dress me in clothes which seemed remarkably similar to his..but smaller versions!
Even my hair took on a new look!